UPMC Shadyside Hospital Phone Number acts as a link between doctors and patients to enquire about appointments. The University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) is an integrated global non-profit health enterprise. UPMC’s flagship UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside serves as the largest inpatient care hospital in the entire region. Dial UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside number to avail quality medical treatment. Make a note of UPMC Presbyterian Address for better integration with the specialist. Jot down below mentioned contact details and addresses.
Currently, UPMC manages around 20 community, academic, and specialty hospitals. The hospitals are well-equipped with over 5,100 licensed beds, serving to 400 outpatients with 30 Cancer Center locations. It works closely in the realm of medical sciences, it conducts physical, speech and specialty therapies and transplants efficiently. UPMC is affiliated with its academic partner, the University of Pittsburgh. The hospital offers first-rate medical services to patients across the globe. For further details, UPMC Shadyside Hospital contact details can be dialed. The UPMC Kidney Clinics cure diseases related to kidneys while treating symptoms. UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside is adhered by the National Kidney Foundation’s guidelines proposing best medical care. If you have any query, feel free to connect with UPMC Shadyside Hospital staff and officials. In case of medical emergency dial UPMC Shadyside Hospital Phone Number. Visit UPMC Presbyterian Address for further assistance with the medical staff and appointment with the specialists.
200 Lothrop St, Pittsburgh,
PA 15213,
United States